For centuries clothing colour and style has been used to distinguish and name Hmong subgroups. Hence each Hmong group has certain characteristics eg Red, Black, Green or Flower Hmong but within each of these groups there is a huge variety in clothing style from one village to another.
The Hmong are famous for their embroidery and also batik which is seen in the wide variety of costumes seen throughout Northern Vietnam.

I'm sorry, but none of the textiles in this post are Hmong...the cotton 'throw' is a blanket from Tai people in either Vietnam or Laos; the beaded, warp-striped cloth on the railing is by Khmu people who live in central/south Vietnam and also in Laos, as is the piece on the back-tensioned loom shown at the bottom of the post. The hat on the stair post is Akha. Only the ladies in the market are Hmong, in northern Vietnam. Nice blog tho. You might enjoy our 'In Situ' section of our website. Happy trails!